Student Centred Approach

Student is Active

What is a student centred Approach?

In a student-centred learning approach, students are active participants, placed at the core of the learning process. This model replaces the teacher-centred transmission model (teacher as “expert”) where there were few opportunities for active student engagement (RMIT Learning and Teaching 2018).

The emphasis in a student-centred approach is less on the educator and more on the student. Instead, the educator ‘acts in the role of facilitator, encouraging learners to be self-motivated and independent’ (Bailey & Colley 2015, p.155).

Learning Context

Educators Role

In a student-centred learning environment the role of the educator is to:
  • Draw and build upon students’ prior knowledge and experiences
  • Facilitate the learning environment so that the student plays an active and inquiring role in their own learning
  • Create a learning environment that stimulates and challenges learners, and fosters critical thinking and the process of knowledge construction
  • Provide opportunities for knowledge to be constructed through authentic learning and links to real world situations
  • Promote opportunities for collaborative learning
  • Recognise individual differences in approaches to learning by offering learners a variety of choices in terms of learning activities and assessments.

Strategies for student centred learning

  • Encourage collaboration between students by having small group discussions and activities
  • Where possible change class from rows of desks to clusters where students face each other rather than facing the educator (educator becomes a participant)
  • Adopt inquiry based or problem based learning using relatable characters/ scenarios/case studies
  • Include creative interactive exercises e.g. Drawings/diagrams
  • Have fun with role plays
  • Use student response systems, GoSoapBox, Canvas’s Arc, Discussion Board


  • RMIT Learning and Teaching 2018, Universal design and student-centred learning, Learning and Teaching, viewed 28 February 2018,;ID=7mwhyxft19c7
  • Bailey G & Colley H 2015, ‘Learner-centred assessment policies in further education: putting teachers’ time under pressure’, Journal of Vocational Education & Training, vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 153-168