Spotlight: Enhancing the Learning Experience: Harnessing the Power of Student Feedback

As educators, we strive to create enriching learning experiences for our students. To achieve this, it is essential to actively listen to their voices and integrate their feedback into our teaching practices along with best practice. At RMIT University, student feedback is highly valued, and the College of Business and Law (CoBL) is committed to continuously improving the learning and teaching experience. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of student feedback and introduce the Course Experience Survey (CES) as a valuable tool for enhancing our courses.

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Spotlight: Using AI Chatbots to Support Learning in Higher Education

ChatGPT information screen

Generative AI has emerged as one of the most fascinating tales of our times, and has captured the attention of educators and students alike. OpenAI, the company behind tools like DALL-E 2, was responsible for the development of ChatGPT, which quickly gained popularity upon its release last November. In just five days, over a million people signed up to test this AI chatbot. Since then, five other Large Language Models have been released, including GPT-4 and Bing AI.

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